Saturday, October 16, 2010

Johor police currently undergo an investigation to trace the existence of a Facebook profile openly insults HRH the Sultan of Johor, Sultan Ibrahim ibni almarhum Sultan Iskandar. The user was charged accused the Sultan of Johor who recently grant 11 cars and 8 high power motorcycles to the Malaysian Royal Police as a waste to the taxes-payer money.

Johor Police Chief, Datuk Mohd Mokhtar Mohd Shariff confirmed the police have receives report regarding the facebook account at IPD Johor Bahru Selatan around 4.33 pm.

The facebook account believes to have operated since several months ago and have stopped operating before it resume again in previous month. To avoid been detected, the profile user put a false image of a woman age around 20’s.

This is not the first time the Johor Royal Institution experienced public insults. Early this year, the blog has openly insults the late Sultan of Johor, almarhum Sultan Iskandar ibni almarhum Sultan Ismail during the Johorean in the state of grieved. The second in this year is a fake Johor Crown Prince’s facebook profile operated by anima named Miky.

They’ve never learned wouldn’t they?


saiful said...

Org yg buat benda bodoh ni memang sengaja nak cabar undang2 dan institusi di Raja. Elok buang je kerakyatan sapa yg terbabit.

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