Thursday, January 22, 2009


Assalamualaikum and Peace be upon all of you..
Thanks for viewing my blog.

MyMiniCity Pictures, Images and Photos

It is about a year since I found my own virtual city in this website. The player can found their city and must visit it at least once everyday. Each visit and click will change the city. It is very fun to see your own virtual city changes day by day.
The player can increase population, open an industry, improve transportation system, increase security system, improve environment and increase business.

Up until now, there are 3 city under my supervisions.

Orquesta City
I was a founder of this city. The name comes from UMP Orchestra Club, Orquesta. It is an official city for the UMP Orchestra Forum. I'm not the only one visit this city. Up until now, it is the most developed city under my supervisions.

Second city under my supervision. The founder is my friends and the city is named after his nickname, Nuwa.

Piol Field City
Third city under my supervision. The founder were also my friends and the city is named after his hometown, Padang Piol.
Assalamualaikum and Peace be upon all of you..
Thanks for viewing my blog.

BARRACK OBAMA Pictures, Images and Photos
After winning the USA Presidential Elections, Barrack Obama finally sworn in as USA 44th President. It is a very special occasions where for the first time, the Black Americans finally chosen to become the first men of USA. Becoming the President of USA means unofficially as the 'World Leader'.

United States of America known for its authority as the world power and also a leading states for democracy. But, for just 8 years under the leadership of George W Bush, America experienced its 'dark era' of its history. I would say it is a blessed that USA constotution give limits only 2 terms maximum for serving as the President.
Just imagine, a reccession and 2 wars breakout in Afghanistan and Iraq in just 8 years.

Americans gave a obvious sign that they want a change in America. For among of the most developed country in the world, USA should serves a the example troughout the world. It is a huge hope for the Americans and the world so that Barrack Obama would change America that already suffers enough from their previous President.

It is a big responsibilities for Barrack Obama.
All the best for USA 44th President.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

MPO Event : Han-na Chang

Assalamualaikum and Peace be upon all of you..
Thanks for viewing my blog.

Malaysia Philharmornic Orchestra
MPO stands for Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra. Located in Petronas Twin Tower, about 25 UMP students under Orquesta Club go to this event. Of course it is a special night. Main performances is by the popular Korean Cellist Han-Na Chang. Her performance is held at 17 and 18 January 2009.

Petronas Twin Tower

Personally, it is my second time here. Kuala Lumpur is not my type of place. Even so, the prestige place like KL Tower and Petronas Twin Tower is my kind of place. Count me in. We arrived around 4pm and we have about 4 hours before the main event start at 8.30pm. So, we're just hanging around at Suria KLCC.

The place I visit is the famous book shop Kinokuniya. Just expected, the book collection here is enourmous. As a manga collector, I went into the manga department, RM13.00 just for one book. Very expensive for me. Then I go to search for Violin Books. As a beginner violinist, I should get some refference about it. With my friends recomendation, I buy "Violin for dummies" for RM71.80. Even so, it's worth it after all.

Han-Na Chang Performance

And, the moment we were waiting for, 8.30pm. The main event. I was amazed by the spectacular performances by both MPO and Han-Na Chang. She play her Cello beautifully. This is my first time seing a solo cellist playing. During interval break, we see her. Very beautiful in person than in pictures I would say. She started playing since she was 11 years old. At that time I'm still a 7 years old kid.

Han-na Chang
Han-na Chang

I don't have enough money to get her CD's. Even doesn't enthusiastic enough to get her autograph. A very long line waiting to just get her autograph.

We're reach UMP about 3 am. Very tiring but in the end.. it is very fun.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Assalamualaikum and peace be upon all of you..
Thanks for viewing my blog.

A by-election has been held in the past Saturday, 17 January 2009. The Parliamentary seat of Kuala Terengganu officially belong to PAS.

Mohd Abdul Wahid

Pas candidate Mohd Abdul Wahid Endut garnered 32,883 votes while BN's Datuk Wan Ahmad Farid Wan Salleh obtained 30,252 votes. Independent candidate Azharuddin Mamat alias Adam received 193 votes and lost his deposit.There are 80,229 voters in the parliamentary constituency, including 1,043 postal voters

BN candidate, Wan Mohd Farid accepted the voters choice and said he would work harder in the constituency to change the minds of those who voted for PAS.

Abdul Wahid said that his victory was a result of good cooperation among Pakatan Rakyat members.

Election Campaign

Undeniable that the Islamic Law topic were the hottest topic during this by-election. The almost same scenario occur during the past Permatang Pauh by-election where the homosexual topic arise.

Each party has its own advantage. PAS has advantage in term of quality candidate. Even the party leaders having a hard times to choose the most worthy candidate to put into the election. While BN as a ruling party has advantage in term of finances and support.


After a week campaign, the Kuala Terengganu voters has spoken. The Kuala Terengganu Parliamentary seat belongs to PAS.

As a wise man would say, the past is a history. What we should be worry about is the future. It is time for BN to come out with concrete solutions to prevent the fall of the coalitions.

To all Malaysians, welcome to a new era of Malaysia Democracy.
The era of 2 party.

Barisan Nasional and the Pakatan Rakyat.

Friday, January 16, 2009

UMP Students from China

Assalamualaikum and peace be upon all of you..
Thanks for viewing my blog.

Logo UMP

Last Wednesday, 14 January 2009 a historic MINDS International is held at UMP. It is the assimilation night of the first batch UMP International Students from China. There are about 43 students who will pursue various courses, from first degrees to doctorate.

The students age between 18 to 20 will undergo a six month intensive English prepatory programme before their courses.

(picture from New Straits Times)

Before the special night

About a week before the special nights, my friends invite me to join the performance on that nights. Well, our performance is canceled anyway. So, I do not know the situation on that nights. But, I was present during the preparation day.

Many groups perform at that night, among of them, Imtiyaz, UMP Orchestra Club, and Tarian Pawana club. There are also other performance like traditional Chinese and Indians dance.

Thanks to all my friends for your hardwork at that night. It is important for us to gave our visitor a warm welcome so that they will feel like home. And someone has said, the event like celebrating someone from a royal family.. Haha... For the University, I would say it is quite an achievement. Keep it up!

And to all the foreign students from China,
Good Luck to all of you..

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Assalamualaikum and Peace be upon all of you..
Thanks for viewing my blog.

Logo UMP

In the past Friday, 9 January 2009, a protest was held by the Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) students and staff. The reason of this protest was against the Israel's attacks on Palestine. The protest was held after the Friday prayers and most of the University students were present at that time.

Below was among the pictures of the protest,
perhimpunan 2
perhimpunan 1
Personally I also take part in this protest. It is not because I wanted to, but because I have to. It is my duty as a fellow muslims. I can't just sit down and do nothing at this time when my fellow muslims brothers are killed everydays. Just like a famous quote says..

"Duty first, self second"

To my fellow friends, keep your spirits up.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Assalamualaikum and Peace upon to all of you
Thanks for viewing my blog..

Malaysia Pictures, Images and Photos

Jata Malaysia Pictures, Images and Photos

The reason why I choose this topic today because I want to highlight the major problems today in Malaysia. Most of us still in dilemma to choose either one. The International Language or The National Language.

Since gaining independence from Great Britain in 1957 and after the Malaysia Formation in 1963, it is agreed by all that the Malay Language will be dubbed as this country national language. Later the name change into Bahasa Malaysia due to the fact that it is the first language of all Malaysians, Malay, Bumiputera, Chinese and Indians alike.

The glory of the Malay Language are during the time of Malacca Sultanate when the language become the lingua franca of this region. Up until now, Malay Language are the National Language in Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei and Indonesia. Indonesia has a differs version of its Bahasa Indonesia.

Despite of that, still widely and proudly used in Indonesia and Brunei, the scenario is differs to their Malaysia and Singapore counterpart. Singapore even with Malay Language as the National Language, use English as their official language. While in Malaysia, the problems of this language arise even it is the Malay Language homeland.


The glory of Bahasa Malaysia in Malaysia started when the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia is formed. The motive is to be the first university to use Malay Language in its education systems. And after that, all our education change from English based into Malay based. Accept for some vernacular school who still used other language like Mandarin and Tamil.

After 2002, the government made the most contrversial decisions. Used English for Science and Mathematics teachings. Started from that, all university in Malaysia including the famous Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia adopted English in their education system. The cyllibus at school change from time to time. The reasons is simple, most of Malaysians are not competents in English communications.

Maybe I understand at some part, yes.. most of Malaysians did not excell in English communications. I am not going to elaborate further, I think we are doing fine for the rest 40 years with Bahasa Malaysia, why change now?

Just look at some example like Korea, Japan, China, France, Germany and Spain. They're just fine with their own mothers tongue. Even Thailand, developing with their Thai Language. What is our problem exactly?

Some of the excuses, all refference book are in English, English are international language, and some other excuses. As for a nation that just imerges as a Newly Industrialized Country, to attract invester are vital.


From my opinion, we should at least stay by using Bahasa Malaysia due to the fact that it is our national and officials language. And the most important, I think that one nation will be more proactive if their learning with their own mother tongue.

If we had problems lack with refference sources, we should leave it to Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka to translated it. I'm not said this because of politics or anything, i'm only say it because we, the students were the victims here. Try to understand, how we are going to learn properly if the cyllibus always changing. First English, then BM, then English.. and then try to change it to BM again? Give it a rest please...

What most important is language is part of our culture. Be proud of it.
Choose one Malaysians, Bahasa Malaysia or English.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Asyura Porridge

Assalamualaikum and peace be upon all of you..
Thanks for viewing my blogs...

Today, 7 January 2009. While in Islamic calendar, it is already 10 Muharram 1430. It is a special day called the 'Asyura Day'. In the history of Islam, many special and important event occur on this day. For example, the Noah Arc (Bahtera Nabi Nuh) finally landed on dry land.

Thus on this special day, among the popular tradition of the muslims are to cooked the famous Asyura Porridge. This Asyura Porridge resembles closely the first food that being cooked on land after the Great Flood of Noah.

bubur asyura

This Asyura Porridge consist of 10 main ingredients, among of the ingredient are rice and nuts. It is a must have dishes on this day. (Of course, it is only once a year..)

Well, for those who haven't eat it yet..
Sent your taste bud on a journey

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Assalamualaikum and Peace be upon all of you..
Thanks again for viewing my blog.

Today is the nomination process for the Kuala Terengganu by-elections. This by-election is done after the previous holder of Kuala Terengganu Parliamentary seat died. After the nomination closed, it is confirmed that 3 candidate will participate in the elections.


This three-corner fight is between Datuk Wan Ahmad Farid Wan Salleh (BN), Mohd Abdul Wahid Endut (PAS), and Azharuddin Mamat (Independent).

As an observer, I will not said anything about the qualification of each candidate. I only wished all the best for all of them. Whoever been choose to become the new MP, they should already realized that they are the representetives for Kuala Terengganu in the Parliament. And for the voters in Kuala Terengganu, please vote a candidate that can actually work for you. Do not vote for those who participate for individual reason.


It is undeniable that this by-elections are very important for both BN and PAS.

Barisan Nasional (National Front) :
This by-elections will become a refference point for the National Front. Already suffers a major setback in 2008 elections, and also lost in the Permatang Pauh by-elections, it is their second chance to proof that they still have a support from the Malaysians. If they lost in this elections, the National Front must take a serious actions to improve the weakness of the party.

Unlike the Permatang Pauh, the National Front wins in Kuala Terengganu 2008 general elections.

PAS (Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party) :
This by-election also play a major role for PAS. As the most senior oppositions party, win the elections play a significant value for PAS to have more voice in Parliament. In the 2008 elections, PAS successfully formed a government in Kelantan and Kedah.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Israel and Palestine

Assalamualaikum and peace be upon all of you;
First of all, thank you for viewing my blog.

save palestine Pictures, Images and Photos

I think the pictures above explain everything. Yes, save Palestine. Recently, I have see many articles and news regarding this matter. The battle between Israel and Palestine start once again.

I just want to keep quiet regarding this matter at first. But as a fellow muslims, I know that i can't just sit silently while my fellow muslims brothers died everyday. Since I was a kid, I always believe that there will be the time that Muslims and Jews can actually live together in peace. Looking at the situation, my only conclusion is the war will end when all the Palestinian died or leaves Palestine for good.

Today, my friends said to me that there is no use compromising with the Jews due to the fact that nothing will be gain from it. I'm not being racist or anything. I kinda agree. There is a number of peace treaty signed from both sides since the time of Yasser Arafat, but the outcome is just the same. Israel still invades Palestine.
Palestine and Israel are beautiful Pictures, Images and Photos

Palestine are not for Palestinian alone. It is belong to all muslims. It has been announced by the Caliph Omar himself after the muslims succeed to liberated the city.
I have refers to many Islamic scholar before about this issues, and the answer is the same. Peace will never comes to Palestine untill all of the Muslims around the world united as one. Looking at the situation now, its almost impossible. We are dividing into various countries with different leader. Even with OIC, its almost doesn't make any different.

In my research, I always pray to Allah (God) to guide me. At least give me some clue or answer. Why Muslims in during the time of Sahabat (Prophet Muhammad pbuh Companion) can actually liberated the city but none of us nowadays can. Are we too weak? Are we not good enough?
Whats wrong with us?!

It is about 2 years ago when one of the Muslim Missionaries said this to me;
"Muslims will never gained Palestine back untill they practiced Islam in all aspect of their life"
The first time I hear it, I feel like I'm just awake from a deep slumber. I notice that, the one to blame is not the Jews, but it is us.. The muslims.

Up until now, I see that most of the muslims nowadays does not follow a Muslims lifestyle but living their life like the Cristians and Jews themselves. This is why the helped from Allah never comes to the Muslims.
It is a shame that we blame the Jews from what they did to us, but in the end we follow them in all aspect of our life.

May Allah forgive us.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year 2009

Hey guys, thanks for viewing my blog.

2009 Pictures, Images and Photos

It feels just like yesterday that I celebrate New Year 2008. Many things happened in the past 12 months, if feels like a dream. Just wanna go through an important event occurs in 2008.

  1. Engineering Project. My project is a success, but not good enough. I only get B. Despite of that, it s my highest grade in all subject that i take for the past semester
  2. New family member. My cousin's celebrate his newborn baby boy. Adam Akmal Ashraf.
  3. 2 of my cousins take PMR and SPM. Wish all the best for them.
  4. Malaysia general elections. Nothing much, only the opposition finally denied the 2/3 majority of the National Front for the first time.

My target for 2009,

  1. Take a driving license.
  2. Finished my first novel.
  3. Practice violins.
  4. Get a 4.00 for this semester.
  5. Practical in Sime Darby

And for all muslims, have a nice Maal Hijrah 1430.

Goodbye 2008, Welcome 2009

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