Friday, April 30, 2010

The Sultan's speech


29th April 2010. HRH Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah has gives his consent to proclaim the opening ceremony of Sekolah Agama Menengah Tinggi Sultan Hishamuddin. Previously, the school is known as Sekolah Agama Menengah Tinggi Jalan Kota Raja Klang. Also present at the ceremony are Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, Selangor Menteri Besar, Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim, Director of JAIS, Datuk Mohamed Khusrin Munawi and state government officials.

In his speech, HRH Sultan Sharafuddin expressed his gratitude for the Federal Government which have funded the constructions and maintenance of all religious school in the state of Selangor. The Sultan also ordered the Ministry of Education and Selangor State Islamic Department (Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor, JAIS) to review the religious school syllabus. This is to ensure the religious school not only cover the Islamic education but also include other subjects like Science, Mathematics and others.

The State Rules and Regulation

At the same time, HRH Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah also ordered all citizens including politicians to follow the state rules and regulations including the prohibition of any political talks inside the masjids. His Royal Highness said, if they want to come to Selangor, they must follow all rules and regulation of the state.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Sultan's Authority


26th April 2010. Kedah State Assembly Seating stirred a little controversy when Pas’s Lawmaker Mohd Nasir Mustafa raised two questions in the assembly regarding the power of the Sultan. The questions can be seen as challenging the Sultan’s power as the Head of Religion in the state.

Mohd Nasir Mustafa raised two questions in the seating:-
  1. How far is the Sultan’s status as the state Head of Religion is respected by the Federal Government?
  2. How far the State Government can’t intervene with the administration of Islamic Affairs?

The written questions by Mohd Nasir however were withdrawn by the State Assembly Speaker, Datuk Dr Abdul Isa Ismail and he admitted that he probably overlooked about it after received objections from the oppositions. In prior the questioning were withdrawn, there are commotions occur in the assembly for about 20 minutes between the assembly right and left factions.

The commotions started when the Opposition Leader, Datuk Seri Mahdzir Khalid raised his opinion to Abdul Isa to take back his questions. According to Mahdzir, for over 50 years, the Sultan’s authority as the state Head of Religion were never been questioned in the assembly.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The National Athlete Awards


Yang Dipertuan Agong of Malaysia, (The Supreme Ruler), HM Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin had gives his consent to present the awards of Malaysian National Athlete 2009 at the Malaysian Sport Awards. Malaysian World Cyclist, Azizulhasni Awang, 22 were recognized as the National Athlete 2009. Azizulhasni is also popularly known as The Pocketrocketman. For the Woman National Athlete awards sees the Malaysian Squash Queen, Nicol David gains the awards for five years in a row since 2005. Nicol David was represented by President of Malaysian Squash Association.

Also present at the functions are Queen of Malaysia, HM Tuanku Nur Zahirah, HRH Sultan of Pahang, Sultan Ahmad Shah, and also Minister of Youth and Sport, Datuk Ahmad Shabery Cheek.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Two birthday boys

Assalamualaikum and Peace be upon all of you.
Welcome to my blog.

For the past month, I'm too busy with my work and I don’t really care anything that happens around me. There I was one day, doing my job while surfing the internet on my favourite websites, facebook. (^_^) I didn't notices it until I already wanted to close the web, "Today is 'hakim' birthday, tomorrow is 'Zul' birthday". Ya Allah!! I almost forgot about my brother birthday!

Then, I see their profile and a list of wishes had already there from all of their friends.

"Happy birthday to you".

That's all I can do right now, just a simple wish. Both of them is a junior member of Radin's family. All of us who are born in the family inherited the Radin's name. It is rare for a Malay family to have a family name. So, sometimes I wonder how our life without it. Probably I will never know Hakim (He is our distant relatives, family of Radin Yusof), while both of me and my brother are descendants of Radin Sulaiman.



During my childhood, I never realize how fortunate we are having the surname. Now, I understand... (^_^)

Monday, April 26, 2010

Warning from Sultan


Last week, the Malaysian Commission announced the By-Election at Hulu Selangor Parliamentary seat. Thus, for one week, the participated political party had started their respective campaign in the constituent. The tug-of-war between Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat pasca-2008 General Election headed into its 10th by-election when the incumbent Hulu Selangor lawmakers died and leave the seat vacant. And, an election must be held 60 days after the seat was officially vacant.


Nevertheless, some of the participants had taking the easy way in their campaign by campaigning in the mosques. The situation gets the attention of HRH Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah. His Highness had ordered the campaigners to stop their campaign in the mosques. Their actions had actually damaging the status of the mosque. The Spiritual Advisor of PAS, Datuk Seri Nik Abd Aziz replied, political campaign is allowed in the mosque as the Muslim can't separate Islamic teachings in their daily life, including politics.

Barisan Nasional candidate, P. Kamalanathan, who popularly known as 'Kamal' won the election with majority of 1,725 votes. Kamalanathan won 24,997 votes while his challenger Zaid, a former minister gains 23,272 votes.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Princely title of Perak

Assalamualaikum and Peace be upon all of you.
Welcome to my blog

Since the proclamation of Sultan Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah as the Sultan of Perak, the Royal Council of Perak has convened to determined the new position in the State's Line of Succession. The Prince in the line of succession are bestowed a Princely title unique to their post. Since 1953, the title are, Raja Muda of Perak, Raja Di Hilir of Perak, Raja Kecil Besar of Perak, Raja Kecil Sulong of Perak, Raja Kecil Tengah of Perak, and Raja Kecil Bongsu of Perak. When the upper seat vacant, the lower seat will move upward. The new line of succession to the throne of Perak according to the meeting by the Royal Council on 20th June 2014 is as follows.

HRH the Sultan of Perak

Sultan Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah, The 35th Sultan of Perak Darul Ridzuan

The Sultan of Perak is the title for the reigning monarch. The State of Perak was founded by Sultan Muzaffar Shah, a prince to Sultan Mahmud Shah of Malacca. The other prince of Sultan Mahmud, Alauddin Riayat Shah founded the state of Johor in the south. The current Sultan is Sultan Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah ibni Almarhum Sultan Azlan Muhibbudin Shah. He is the 35th Sultan of Perak while his father was the 34th Sultan of Perak. His reign started officially in 2014.

HRH the Raja Muda of Perak (Crown Prince of Perak)

Raja Muda of Perak, Raja Jaafar bin Raja Muda Musa

Raja Muda are the princely title reserved for the heir apparent to the throne. Literally means Crown Prince. The incumbent Raja Muda of Perak is Raja Jaafar bin Almarhum Raja Muda Musa

HRH Raja Di Hilir of Perak

Raja Di Hilir Perak, Raja Iskandar Dzulkarnain

Raja Di Hilir of Perak is the title reserved for the second in line to the throne. Previously, the second in line is style as Raja Bendahara. Nevertheless, the title was abolished. The current holder for the title Raja Iskandar Dzulkarnain ibni Almarhum Sultan Idris Shah II.

HRH Raja Kecil Besar of Perak

Raja Azlan Muzaffar Shah (front) with his parent.

Raja Kecil Besar of Perak is the title reserved for third in line to the throne. Previously, the third in line to the throne is style as Raja Di Hilir. The current holder is Raja Azlan Muzaffar Shah ibni Sultan Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah.

HRH Raja Kecil Sulong

Raja Kecil Sulong is the title for the 4th in line to the throne. The previous holder is Raja Ashman Shah ibni Sultan Azlan Shah.The position is currently vacant due to the death of Raja Asman Shah on 30th March 2012.

HRH Raja Kecil Tengah

Raja Ahmad Nazim Azlan Shah (right) and Raja Ashman (left)

Raja Kecil Tengah is the title for the 5th in line to the throne. The current holder is Raja Ahmad Nazim Azlan Shah bin Raja Ashman, grandson to Sultan Azlan Shah.

HRH Raja Kecil Bongsu

It is the most junior title in the line of succession. For some unknown reason, the seat is currently vacant.

Back to UMP

Assalamualaikum and Peace be upon all of you.
Welcome to my blog.


“Radin, you don’t have to come here personally. I can take it and post it to you.”

Said my friends Mamat and Suhairie the first time I get to UMP again. They’re right actually. Shah Alam and Kuantan are almost 300 km apart and yet I had to come all the way to Kuantan to get the University Completion Letter and Partial Transcript. It is almost not worth it (Because you can actually ask your friends to get it for you). But, this is one of the reasons I went to UMP on past 16th April 2010. I wanted to see some of my friends here and see the changes at my beloved university.

If I not came here personally, I probably did not know that one of my junior, Talhah had actually married! He is still young and yet he has become a husband. He is the classmate to the twin brothers, Putra and Wira, which also my acquaintance. It makes me think a bit that when will my time came. (^_^) Suhairie also ask me did I already prepare to get married. And I gave the same answer, “Wait till I’m 25”.


My first day, I only spend it to settle my job here. It is study week, so the campus was actually pretty quite. I’ve settled the job faster than I’ve expected. Later that day, I’ve met Lee,

“I have found out that my lineage were comes from Asia minor.” Lee said.

He is a malay boy who actually tried to trace back his lineage. He really bonded with a group of foreign student here. No wonder he really excited when he found out about his legacy. Later, I’ve spend my time at Kuantan. I’ve met with two new friends, Fiq and Hendry. Fiq actually is my junior at UMP. We never met at UMP. We’ve actually met in social websites.

These three days probably the best in 2010. (^_^)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


On past 19th April 2010 was the 82nd birthday of HRH Sultan of Perak, Sultan Azlan Shah ibni almarhum Sultan Yusuf. He is the 34th Sultan of Perak.


Sultan Azlan Shah was born as HH Raja Azlan Shah on 19th April 1928. He is a son to HRH Sultan Yusuf Izzudin Shah who at that time bearing the title as HRH Raja Bendahara of Perak with his wife, HRH Toh Puan Besar Hatijah . His father later inherited the throne on 31st March 1948 until his death on 4th January 1963. Raja Azlan Shah were called as “Lan” by his relatives and sometimes referred to as “Raja Lan” or “Ku Cik”. Upon after his parents divorced, Raja Azlan Shah were raised as a commoner at Batu Gajah, Perak. He worked as a store keeper during the Japanese Invasion.

Since his childhood, he was determined that knowledge is the most important in life. A person can only improve his lifestyle with education. For him, even as a royal prince, he never dreamed to become a King. After his father is proclaimed as the Sultan of Perak, he gives support to Raja Azlan Shah to further his studies. On December 1950, he furthers his study at the University of Nottingham. 3 years later, he received his Degree in Law. On 1956, upon his returned from England, he became the first class Magistrate in Kuala Lumpur.


Raja Azlan Shah first became in line to the throne of Perak starting from 1962.

Raja Kecil Bongsu - 19 Ogos 1962
Raja Kecil Tengah - 01 Februari 1963
Raja Kecil Sulong - 01 Januari 1978
Raja Kecil Besar - 01 Ogos 1978
Raja Muda - 01 Julai 1983
HRH Sultan of Perak - 03 Februai 1984 - present

On past 16th April 2010, HRH Yang Dipertuan Besar of Negeri Sembilan, Tuanku Muhriz Ibni Almarhum Tuanku Munawir had given his consent to proclaim the opening of the State's Assembly Seating. In his speech, Tuanku Munawir had express his hoped for the state of Negeri Sembilan to reach the status of fully developed state by the year 2020.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

'fake prince's' apology


The local headlines since 11th April 2010 had always cover about 'Tuan Muda' (Literally means Young Master, Obocchama in Japanese). The Tuan Muda who disguised himself as an adopted son to the Crown Prince of Pahang, Tengku Abdullah Ibni Sultan Ahmad Shah. Nevertheless, he is an intelligent, gifted and well-behaved teenager who score 9A and 1B in his SPM. His disguise finally revealed during his so-called 'official visit' to the national services camp. One of the trainee at the camp actually knew his true identity and thus report it to the camp supervisor. Later, the young master were detained by the police.

The Crown Prince of Pahang, HH Tengku Abdullah stating that he is ready to forgive the teenager with a condition that he must seek an apology to him and a member of the royal family. When been asked whether the Crown Prince will adopted him to become the Prince's adopted son, the Crown Prince only reply, "That's another matter.."

The Crown Princess of Pahang, HH Tunku Azizah al-marhum Sultan Iskandar stated earliar that she does not know the identity of the boy. She revealed that had received a letter from and unknown boy stating that he is an adopted son to the Crown Princess. Not knowing who the sender is, the letter were just left aside.

The 'young master' who disguise himself as Tuan Muda Mohd Zulhanif Tengku Laksamana Abdullah has beg for forgiveness and he were adviced to not make any statement to the press to avoid any speculation.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


A member of Kelantan Royal family, Tengku Merjan Sultan Yahya Petra lodge a police report so investigation can be made to the manager of the Kelantan Royal Family Household, Datuk Abdul Halim Hamad and a lawyer, Datuk Shukri Mohamad for allegedly involve in a plan to overthrow the reigning Sultan of Kelantan, HRH Sultan Ismail Petra. The police report had been made at Ampang Jaya Police Station.

According to Tengku Merjan, she has a copy of CD that contains a discussion between Abdul Halim and Shukri with reporters on the issue of Sultanate of Kelantan. The CD currently had spread in Kelantan and feared it can give a bad impression to HRH Sultan Ismail Petra and can lead the Kelantanese into confusion.

Tengku Merjan who is also the older sister to HRH Sultan of Kelantan, Sultan Ismail Petra also gives her concern that, Shukri as a lawyer claims that he has the power to proclaim the new Sultan of Kelantan and it can be seen as tarnishing the state Constitution Monarchy.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


HRH Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Sharafudin Idris Shah gives his consent to proclaim the opening ceremony of Selangor State Assembly seating on past Monday, 12th March 2010. In his speech, the Sultan of Selangor urges the citizens to fully understand the country constitution. The constitution has clearly stated the rights and protects the interest of all citizens in term of politic, social and economy. His majesty also reminded the state lawmakers to not spend a lot of time in politics.

The State Assembly seating started from 12th April 2010 and will end on 19th April 2010.

The Selangor State Assembly

(All the pictures are from Jinggo's Photopages)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

(picture from Utusan Harian)

HRH Sultan of Kelantan, Sultan Ismail Petra has given his consent yesterday to visit his subjects. It is His Majesty first official visit after almost a year. The Sultan has given his consent to see the people on wheelchair at Istana Mahkota accompany by his consort, HRH Queen Anis of Kelantan. He celebrated more than 100 orphans at the event and gives the zakat. The guests also take this priceless chance to communicate with his majesty.

"Praise to Allah, I'm fine. Thank you for coming" Answer his majesty when a village Imam come to him and asks about his condition. Even though his majesty still not fully recovers from his illness, His Majesty able to entertains the guest when he and the Queen of Kelantan singing various song including Kemesraan, Menghitung Hari and My Heart.

Also present at the functions were Tengku Temenggong Kelantan, HH Tengku Muhammad Fakhry, Tengku Abdul Aziz, former Chairman of MPN and the State Secretary, Datuk Wan Hashim Wan Daud.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

(picture from Utusan Harian)

HRH Sultan of Kelantan, Sultan of Kelantan spending his time strolled around Kota bharu yesterday. It is to release his majesty boredom at Istana Mahkota. This is the first time HRH Sultan of Kelantan spending his time in public upon his returned to Kelantan. His third son, HH Tengku Muhammad Fakhry accompanies his father and seeing drive the car. The situation nevertheless gets a public attention as the health condition of HRH Sultan Ismail Petra still remains a mystery.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Sultan of Pahang

HRH Sultan of Pahang, Sultan Ahmad Shah has changed the punishment of Kartika from canning to social service. His Majesty who is also the Head of Islam in the state of Pahang has the authority to changed the punishment. There are various reason for the changes including humanity.

Kartika has been sentenced canning by the Sharia Court of Pahang for drinking alcohol.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

My New Life

Assalamualaikum and Peace be upon all of you.
Welcome to my blog.


This day mark the second weeks of my new live in Selangor. An offer letter came to me 3 weeks ago from Symmid Corporation. It is an offer letter to attend the MDEC Job Camp sponsored by MSC Malaysia. Even though it is not guarantee that I will be offer a job in the company, the courses are pretty useful and interesting. And of course, tiring. The training program is held at Petaling Jaya (PJ). At first, it is really hard for me to adjust my life in the big city especially in Greater Kuala Lumpur or commonly refer to as Klang Valley.

No matter what happen, I can't just refused the offer. A chance for me to get a job as a Design Engineer is just in front of me, not to mention a free course and with allowence! (It a waste to reject it). The course is getting harder day by day. Well, just face the fact that, to gain something we must sacrifice something equal in value. What a litle hardship compare to a more better life in the future. (^_^)
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