Monday, March 30, 2009

Assalamualaikum and Peace be upon all of you..
Thanks for viewing my blog.

The nomination process for 3 by-elections has been done yesterday, 29 March 2009. 1 parlimentary seat and 2 state assembly seats is contested, DUN Bukit Selambau, DUN Batang Ai and P Bukit Gantang. The elections will start at 7 April 2009

P Bukit Gantang

The previous holder of this seat is Roslan Shaharom (PAS). The seat is vacant after the holder die.

bukit gantang candidate

It is a 3 corner fight between Ismail Safian (BN), Datuk Seri Ir. Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin (PAS) and Kamarul Ramizu Idris (Independent).

DUN Batang Ai

The previous holder of this seat is Datuk Dublin Unting Inkot (BN). The seat is also vacant after the holder die.

batang ai

It is a 2-corner fight between Malcolm Mussen Lamoh (BN) and Jawah Gerang (PKR)

DUN Bukit Selambau

The previous holder is V Arumugam (PKR). The seat is vacant after the holder resign from the post.

bukit selambau 1
BN Candidate (wearing blue Baju Melayu)
bukit gantang 2
PKR Candidate (wearing white formal suit with necktie)

Unlike the other 2 elections above, it is the most fierce contested seat. The 15-corner fight!
After the nominations, the contested candidate are Datuk S. Ganeson (BN), S. Manikumar (PKR) and another 13 Independent candidate.
Hussein Yaacob, T. Chandraajan, Mejar (Rtd) Anuar Abdul Hamid, Vincent Michael, Abdul Rahim Abu, S. Moganakumar, Mohd Fadzil Abdul Wahab, Radzi Md Lazim, Loganathan Ramanathan, Saralaloganathan, Tan Hock Huat, A. Jayagopal and Khamis Awang.


Bukit Gantang located at Perak. Thus, the fight between BN and PAS possibly a fierced one. PR formed a government in Perak after the general elections, but BN once again govern the state after the PR government fall after 11 months.

Batang Ai located at Sarawak, thus the match here possibly the most contented in all 3. BN should have no problem here... (just my opinion..)

Bukit Selambau on the other hands... traditionally, BN reserved this seat to MIC. But the situation here is really akward. Malaysian records of 15-corner fight. May the best men wins..


Therefor, if I'm not mistaken.. about 20 candidate will participate in the elections. Muhyiddin Yassin has remembered all the voters that this elections were only a mere elections and not a poll to a specific political party.

All government are formed to served to the people. Thus, please make a wise choice and choose a candidate that actually can served to you...

Who will win? Lets wait and see... =)

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Earth Hour 2009

Assalamualaikum and Peace be upon all of you..
Thanks for viewing my blog.

Last night, a special events of Earth Hour 2009 starts. About an hour from 8.30pm - 9.30pm, most Malaysians has shut off their lights and guest what? An amazing one hour darkness in the heart of Kuala Lumpur!

KL Earth Hour 2009
KL during Earth Hour (picture from New Straits Times)

Well, the Earth Hour 2009 campaign is all about a 'symbolic gesture to combat global warming'. What I can say is the campaign has get an amazing overwhelming support.

Some information about the events, it is a global events that organized by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and it is an annual events. About 88 countries participated this year. Like Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and Thailand... Malaysia 8TV among the participation TV Station and has halted its program for 1 hour.

How much energy can we saved?? In Sydney, the energy consumption is reduced about 8% during the Earth Hour... probably equivalent to the energy of 48,613 cars!


Actually I was almost forgot about the events last night. I was just riding alone, minding my own business, when the light around the campus are off. I thought it just a mere blackout. But, the electric supply were fine. When I ask to my friend.. he said.. "1 Hour light off"..

Earth Hour obviously... =)

Sydney Earth Hour
Sydney's Opera House during Earth Hour

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Blog Tok Guru

Assalamualaikum and Peace be upon all of you..
Thanks for viewing my blog.

Tuan Guru Nik Abdul Aziz has launched his own blog, "Blog Tok Guru". It is launched on Thursday together with Aptus Net, a WiFi broadband Internet provider.

nik aziz

His blog also available in Jawi and the English version will be published later. For the first two months, the blog will only contain a basics and it will have a panel specially to answer issues later on.

By any chance, welcome to the world of blogging Tok Guru.. =)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Tiger Orchid

Assalamualaikum and Peace be upon all of you..
Thanks for viewing my blog.

A brand new topic has been introduced today! Flora and Fauna. It is a topic about all the magnificent creation that roaming the earth other that humans. Supposedly this topic will focused on special species, endangered and commercialised flora and fauna.

tiger orchid

Yes, it is an orchid. Or commonly known as The Tiger Orchid. Its scientific names is Rossioglossum grande (previously known as Odontoglossum grande). It is native in Mexico and Honduras. As "Tiger Orchid" is a common names, probably it shares the name with other orchids.

The plant may grow four to eight flowers, each may reach up to 13 inches in diameter. The flowers are a glossy bright golden yellow with brown barring. Larger pedals are yellow with the lower half red-brown. The lip is white and sometimes flecked with red-brown. It prefers hot, wet summers and cool, dry winters.

It mainly flowers in the winter.


Some of the pictures of the orchids.

tiger orchid
tiger orchid
tiger orchid
tiger orchid

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Atelier Iris : Eternal Mana

Assalamualaikum and Peace be upon all of you..
Thanks for viewing my blog.

For todays game sections, I will presents about Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana that created for PS2 platform. It is developed by Japanese developer Gust. The game is released in Japan in 2004 and has been released in US in America in 2005. The English translation of the series is done by NIS America.

Atelier Iris : Eternal Mana

Now, we will see about its plot, characters and gameplay.


Eternal Mana is set in the world of Regallzine, long the home of alchemy and mana. Wars and internal disputes have separated the kingdom of Esviore and now, the area of South Esviore where the game takes place is no longer under the control of King Slaith. Instead, each separate city-state of South Esviore runs their own affairs, trading with one another but remaining mostly separate.

The situation with Regallzine is also tied with the fate of Avenberry, a legendary city of alchemists that existed many hundreds of years before the game's beginning. No one knows exactly what happened, but it is said that Avenberry fell because of the misuse of the alchemy that ran their lives. Many alchemists and treasure hunters have come to Avenberry to try and unlock its secrets since that time, and the city of Kavoc was built for that purpose. However, none have been able to get past the gate that guards the citadel, and Avenberry's secrets have so far been preserved.

Alchemists today are few and far between, most basing their research on the studies of Iris, an alchemist who lived before the fall of Avenberry. They travel the world in search of new alchemaic artifacts for synthesis, ruins of the past, and Mana. The mana are a race of beings that allow alchemists to use their power. They augment the power of the elements which Alchemists extract from objects in the world and use them to create new and powerful magical items. Mana have feelings, emotions, and personalities just as people do, and many become good friends with their alchemist, although some people do forget about this fact.

The protagonist of the game, Klein Kiesling, is one of these wandering alchemists. His adventure begins when he stumbles across a monster in a forest, is rescued by a girl, and gets wound up in her fate and eventually, the fate of the world.


atelier iris main character

There are about 6 playable characters. Each one has its own skills and advantages. Player are free to use and switch it during battle.

Klein Kiesling
Protagonist of the series. He is an alchemist and can synthesis alchemic items for battle and gameplay. His weapon is Cane.

Lita Blanchimont
Spunky girl who work as a Galgazit in a city of Kavoc. Lita is among the most powerful character. Her attack are strong, fast and can hit multiple enemies. Her weapon is Metal Claw.

An archer who resides in Kavoc. Among his traits are alcohol-loving, anti-sweet and woman-chaser. Among the most useful character, he can counter attack and has first shot abilities. He use crossbow.

A catgirl and an apprentice to an alchemist called Zeldalia who lived in Poto Forest. She can cast magic and also can attack ghost enemies. (You cannot physically attack ghost..). She uses Magical Staff.

A mysterious swordsman. He is also a powerful swordfighter, capable on inflicting heavy damage on individual foes.

Marietta Lixiss
Former Knight of Alkabana. Like Arlin, she is a swordfighter. Among her speciality is recover HP (Heal)

p.s : There are also numerous non-playable characters in the game. But, I will not put it here. Some other NPC can actually support you as the game progress. For example, produce a better an more quality product in shop.


Battle System : Turn-based systems.

Synthesis : A special traits for Alchemy-based games. Among the things that you can synthesis.

- Mana Items are created by Klein using elements extracted from objects and creatures. The extraction process destroys the target, and can thus be used in combat or to destroy obstacles. To create lasting Items, Klein requires the help of the Manas, whose health is spent in the process.

- Normal Items are synthesized by shop owners if the characters bring them the right items. These includes both healing items (often in the form of food items) and pieces of equipment.

- Weapon Synthesis involves creating "mana crystals" by combining Mana stones found through the game. Each crystal can have up to three abilities, and can be inserted (or removed later) on certain pieces of equipment.

Mana :
The main drivers in the games. All alchemist need mana spirits in order for them to synthesis product. Thus, the driving force behind the alchemy in the game.
Some of the mana are Mana of Wood, Mana of Water, Mana of Wind, Mana of Fire, etc....

Atelier Iris Pictures, Images and Photos
Uru, Mana Spirits of Fire


The storyline is unique. The progress of the game is also great.
I mostly used Klein, Lita and Arlin throughout the game. But, there will be a time where you need to use different characters. Each characters has its own background and conflict.. and sometimes you cannot use them in battle. The key is to use all various Mana Items in the games to your advantage during battle. Sounds easy but believe me.. its really hard....

But one thing I can assure you.. it really worth it.. =)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

sbbAssalamualaikum and Peace be upon all of you..
Thanks for viewing my blog.

In the past, I have post a topic about the King of Malaysia. Today, I will present the topic of Malaysia Royal Family starting from the Johor Royal Family. (more information can be refer here :

Sultan of Johor

Johor Royal Family is the family member to the rulers of Johor and its sovereign, The Sultan of Johor. The consort for the Sultan is called Sultanah of Johor. HRH Sultan Iskandar al-Haj ibni Almarhum Sultan Ismail is the 24th Sultan of Johor and the 4th Sultan of modern Johor. He reign started since 1981 until 22 January 2010. He has reign for 29 years. Following his death, the throne is passed to his first son, Sultan Ibrahim Ismail ibni al-marhum Sultan Iskandar al-Haj.

Sultanah of Johor

The Sultanah of Johor is HRH Sultanah Hjh Zanariah Ibn Almarhum Tengku Panglima Perang Ahmad.


Sultanate of Johor is the descendant of the former Sultanate of Malacca. In its peak, the Sultanate of Johor covers the area of Negeri Sembilan, Pahang, Singapura and Riau Archipelago. The Sultanate of Johor was founded by Sultan Alauddin Riayat Shah II, the son of Sultan Mahmud of Malacca. The Sultanate of Johor has been ruled by 3 dynasties, the descendent of Malacca royalty, the Bendahara and the Temenggung dynasties.

The history of Modern Johor started with the downfall of the Johor-Riau Empire after the death of Sultan Mahmud III. The succession dispute arise between the two Princes of Sultan Mahmud III, Tengku Hussein and Tengku Abdul Rahman. Tengku Hussein was absent during the funeral of Sultan Mahmud III, thus, Tengku Abdul Rahman was proclaimed as the new Sultan. Stamford Raffles, in his attempt to gain a British Settlement in Singapore orchestrated the English-Dutch Treaty resulted the Empire to split into two, the Riau-Lingga Archipelago under Sultan Abdul Rahman and Singapore and the mainland Johor to Sultan Hussein. After the death of Sultan Hussein in 1835, his first son succeed the throne as Sultan Muhammad Ali.

British who resides in Singapore are in favour of Temenggung Tun Ibrahim as the ruler of Johor. Thus, in 1855, Sultan Ali signed a treaty of handing over the sovereignty to Temenggung Tun Ibrahim as the Ruler of Johor with exception of the Kesang District, which is still under the rule of Sultan Muhammad Ali. In the same year, Temenggung Tun Ibrahim was installed as the ruler of Johor with the title as Maharaja of Johor. He founded Bandar Iskandar Puteri located at Tanjung Puteri (present day Johor Bahru) as the new Capital. The peninsular of Johor prosper under the ruled of Tun Ibrahim, the Maharaja of Johor. Nevertheless, the condition is not the same with Sultan Ali who failed to establish his authority in the Kesang District. With the death of Sultan Ali in 1877, an 11-year old Tengku Mahmood became his successor. And the Kesang District was handed over temporarily to the administration Temenggung Abu Bakar, Maharaja of Johor.

Tengku Alam Shah, an heir of Sultan Ali refused the hand-over of Kesang District by Colonel Archibald Anson to Temenggung Abu Bakar. The event trigger the civil war of Johor known as the Jementah War, as the first attack made by Tengku Alam and his follower is Jementah and winning the battle. A headsman of Jementah sent report to the Government of Johor. Thus, as counter attack, Maharaja Abu Bakar sent his cousin, Ungku Ahmad to led the army. Later, Datuk Muhammad Salleh bin Perang, the Datuk Bentara Luar was also sent to the battlefield to assist the government army which consist of about 400 men. The Government Army conquered the enemy stronghold and achieving total victory at the dawn of 30 December 1879. With the won of the war, a new town known as Bandar Maharani was founded by Maharaja Abu Bakar in the Muar District. In 1885, Maharaja Abu Bakar was proclaimed as Sultan of Johor and officially crowned on 29th July 1886. Thus, Sultan Abu Bakar was known as the Father of Modern Johor.

Johor also is the only state in Malaysia to have its own army, Askar Timbalan Setia Negeri, Johor Military Force (JMF) which currently serves as the private army to the Sultan of Johor. The protocol of the Johor Royalty are differs with the other Malay royal families where the protocol are mostly adapted from the Western Style rather than Malay Protocol. The Military attire is the officials attire of the Sultan and Sultanah of Johor. Among the popular event among the Johoreans is the "Kembara Mahkota Johor", an annual events. In this event, the Sultan and the members of the royal family will tour all around Johor to see his subjects.

Flag of Sultanah of Johor
Royal Standard the Sultan of Johor

Flag of Crown Prince of Johor
Royal Standard of the Sultanah of Johor

Flag of Sultan of Johor
Royal Standard of the Crown Prince of Johor



Sultan Iskandar married twice. First, to Josephine Trevorrow (Cik Kalthom) and second to Sultanah Zanariah. He has 2 sons and 8 daughters.

(with Cik Kalthom)

  1. Tunku Kamariah Aminah Maimunah Iskandariah (1956)
  2. Tunku Zabedah Aminah Maimunah Iskandariah (1957)
  3. Tunku Ibrahim Ismail (1958)
  4. Tunku Azizah Aminah Maimunah Iskandariah (1960)

(with Sultanah Zanariah)

  1. Tunku Mariam Zahrah (1962)
  2. Tunku Norani Fatimah (1963)
  3. Tunku Maimunah Ismailiah (1967)
  4. Tunku Abdul Majid Idris (1970)
  5. Tunku Muna Najiah (1973)
  6. Tunku Aminah Kalsom Masera Marian Zahira Iskandariah (1979)

* Tunku Ibrahim Ismail married with Raja Zarith Sofiah binti almarhum Sultan Idris Shah, their married is blessed with 5 sons and 1 daughter.
Tunku Ismail Idris (1984), Tunku Aminah (1986), Tunku Idris Iskandar (1987), Tunku Abdul Jalil Iskandar (1990), Tunku Abdul Rahman (1993), Tunku Abu Bakar Iman (2001).

* Tunku Abdul Majid Idris married with Tunku Teh Mazni binti Tunku Yusuf. Currently has 1 son.
Tunku Mahmood Iskandar (2006)


The Palace of the Sultan of Johor located at Johor Bahru. The Bukit Serene Palace. Located on top of a hill. The previous palace was the Istana Besar Johor Bahru that has been change into a museum.

Bukit Serene palace


Sultan, Tengku Mahkota and Raja Muda of Johor
Sultan, Tengku Mahkota and Raja Muda of Johor

Only a male heir descendants of Sultan Abu Bakar of Johor can inherit the throne.

**Here are the line of successions to the Johor throne;

  1. Tunku Ibrahim Ismail ibni Sultan Iskandar al-Haj, (Tunku Mahkota Johor)
  2. Tunku Ismail Idris bin Tunku Ibrahim Ismail, (Raja Muda Johor)
  3. Tunku Idris Iskandar bin Tunku Ibrahim Ismail
  4. Tunku Abdul Jalil Iskandar bin Tunku Ibrahim Ismail
  5. Tunku Abdul Rahman bin Tunku Ibrahim Ismail
  6. Tunku Abu Bakar Iman bin Tunku Ibrahim Ismail
  7. Tunku Abdul Majid Idris ibni Sultan Iskandar al-Haj, (Tunku Bendahara Johor)
  8. Tunku Mahmood Iskandar bin Tunku Abdul Majid
  9. Tunku Abu Bakar ibni alMarhum Tunku Bendahara 'Abdu'l Rahman ibni almarhum Sultan Ismail
  10. Tunku 'Abdu'l Rahman [Alman] Burhan ud-din bin Tunku Abu Bakar

**subject to changes...


Some of the pictures of the Royal Family :-

Sultan and Sultanah Johor
Sultan and Sultanah of Johor

The Tunku Mahkota of Johor and wife.

Tunku Ibrahim Ismail
HRH Tunku Ibrahim Ismail, Tunku Mahkota Johor

Raja Zarith Sofia
HH Raja Zarith Sofia, wife to Tengku Mahkota of Johor. Johor does not have any title for the wife of the Crown Prince.

The family of the Crown Prince

The Raja Muda of Johor, Tunku Ismail Idris

The Tunku Bendahara of Johor and wife :-

The Tunku Bendahara of Johor, Tunku Abdul Majid Idris

Wife of Tunku Bendahara of Johor, Tunku Teh Mazni

Friday, March 6, 2009

Great Wall of China

Assalamualaikum and Peace be upon all of you..
Thanks for viewing my blog.


The Great Wall of China is a series of stone and earthen fortifications in China, built, rebuilt, and maintained between the 5th century BC and the 16th century to protect the northern borders of the Chinese Empire from Xiongnu attacks during the rule of successive dynasties. Several walls, referred to as the Great Wall of China, were built since the 5th century BC. One of the most famous is the wall built between 220–206 BC by the first Emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang; little of it remains; it was much farther north than the current wall, which was built during the Ming Dynasty.

The Great Wall stretches over approximately 6,400 km (4,000 miles) from Shanhaiguan in the east to Lop Nur in the west, along an arc that roughly delineates the southern edge of Inner Mongolia, but stretches to over 6,700 km (4,160 miles) in total. At its peak, the Ming Wall was guarded by more than one million men. It has been estimated that somewhere in the range of 2 to 3 million Chinese died as part of the centuries-long project of building the wall.



No exact record about when the first constructions of the Great Wall, but it is believe starting from the 5th - 220th BC. At that time, the chinese has already familiar with the wall-building techniques.

Qin Dynasties:
After Qin Shi Huang unified China in 220BC and established a new Qin Dynasties, he ordered building a new wall along the empire's northern frontier to protect the empires from the attack of Hiongnu people from the north.
Transporting the large quantity of materials required for construction was difficult, so builders always tried to use local resources. Stones from the mountains were used over mountain ranges, while rammed earth was used for construction in the plains.
Later, the Han, Sui, Northern and Jin dynasties all repaired, rebuilt, or expanded sections of the Great Wall at great cost to defend themselves against northern invaders.

There are no surviving historical records indicating the exact length and course of the Qin Dynasty walls.

Ming Dynasties:
Lost in the Battle of Tumu in 1449, the Ming Dynasty has ordered to build the wall to keep the nomadic tribes in the north out of the empires.
Unlike the Qin, the Ming construction was stronger and more elaborate due to the use of bricks and stone instead of rammed earth. As Mongol raids continued periodically over the years, the Ming devoted considerable resources to repair and reinforce the walls. Sections near the Ming capital of Beijing were especially strong.

Towards the end of the Ming Dynasty, the Great Wall helped defend the empire against the Manchu invasions that began around 1600. Under the military command of Yuan Chonghuan, the Ming army held off the Manchus at the heavily fortified Shanhaiguan pass, preventing the Manchus from entering the Chinese heartland. The Manchus were finally able to cross the Great Wall in 1644, when the gates at Shanhaiguan were opened by Wu Sangui, a Ming border general who disliked the activities of rulers of the Shun Dynasty. The Manchus quickly seized Beijing, and defeated the newly founded Shun Dynasty and remaining Ming resistance, to establish the Qing Dynasty.

During the Qing Dynasty, constructions and repair of the Great Wall were discontinued.



Parts of the wall near Beijing and near Tourist attractions has been preserved, even reconstructed. But most of the locations of the Great Wall is in disrepair. Some parts even serve as the village playground, source of stones for rebuild house and roads, prone to graffiti and vandalism, some parts have been destroyed because the Wall is in the way of construction.

No comprehensive survey of the wall has been carried out, so it is not possible to say how much of it survives, especially in remote areas. More than 60 kilometres (37 mi) of the wall in Gansu province may disappear in the next 20 years, due to erosion from sandstorms. In places, the height of the wall has been reduced from more than five meters (16.4 ft) to less than two meters. The square lookout towers that characterize the most famous images of the wall have disappeared completely. Many western sections of the wall are constructed from mud, rather than brick and stone, and thus are more susceptible to erosion.


Many popular belief said that the Great Wall of China is;

"the mightiest work of man, the only one that would be visible to the human eye from the moon,"

But, according to the anecdotal reports by Ed Lu, Expedition 7 Science Officer aboard the International Space Station, adds that;

"it's less visible than a lot of other objects. And you have to know where to look."

Thus, no other man made object could possibly been seen by naked eyes from the moon.


Some of the scenery of the Great Wall.



It is a suprised that the Chinese civilization actually have the technology to build the wall since the 5th century. The Great Wall has done its job protecting the Empire from the outsiders. Yet, the Empires still fall not because of the failure of the Wall, but from the corruption of the Empire itself.

Currently, the wall has been list among the 7 new wonder of the world and Unesco Heritage Sites.

At last, it is proved that no man-made object can be seen at the moon.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Assalamualaikum and Peace be upon all of you..
Thanks for viewing my blog.

Yesterday, March 1 2009 is the day of 76th anniversary to the Royal Malay Regiment or in Malay "Rejimen Askar Melayu DiRaja". The anniversary also mark a history of 4 women soldiers.

Picture from New Straits Times

Capt Diana Hamdan, 27, from the First Royal Artillery Regiment, and Capt Siti Nurfarhana Mohd Aminuddin, 26, from the Royal Military Police Corps, received their "Military Wing Standard".
Capt Ungku Fatimah Zaharah Ungku Abu Bakar, 24, from the Royal Signals Regiment was the army's colours bearer and Capt Nornie Fathma Ab Rahman, 26, was the first female parade adjutant.


Army chief Gen Tan Sri Ismail Jamaluddin said there was no gender discrimination in the army.

"It is up to the individuals to determine their direction and if women are willing to shoulder the responsibility, the tasks and are tough, they can walk as tall as their male colleagues,"

he said after the Army Day celebration at the Sungai Besi army camp here.



The Royal Malay Regiment is one of two infantry regiments in the Malaysian Army. The regiment is the premier unit in the Malaysian Army. At its height, 27 battalions of the Malay Regiment were formed. At present, two battalions of the Malay Regiment are parachute trained and form a component of the Malaysian Army Rapid Deployment Force. Another battalion has converted into a mechanized infantry battalion. The remaining battalions are roled as standard light infantry battalions.

The 1st Battalion Royal Malay Regiment is the ceremonial battalion for the King and is usually accompanied by the Central Band of the Malay Regiment.
As its name suggests, it only recruits ethnic Malays to its ranks.

The regiment is formed in 1 March 1933 in the Haig Lines, Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan. The action being made by the British after The Malay Rulers led by Sultan Alang Iskandar Shah (Sultan of Perak), Tuanku Muhamad Ibni Yam Tuan Antah (Negeri Sembilan), Raja Chulan (Perak Royal Family) and Dato Abdullah Haji Dahan (Undang Luak Rembau) have urged the British Colonial office for the formation of an army regiment raised from the local population.


The RAMD has a total of 25 battalions. 20 of these are standard light infantry battalions, with 2 roled as mechanised infantry and 2 as parachute infantry. The final battalion is a support unit.

1st Battalion Royal Malay Regiment
The 1st Bn Royal Malay is the most senior infantry battalion of the Regiment. This was also the battalion group which Lieutanent Adnan Bin Saidi was posted to. In 2008, the 1st Battalion became the first overseas unit to provide the Queen's Guard at Buckingham Palace from a nation that was not a Commonwealth Realm.



  1. Leftenan Adnan Bin Saidi
    Adnan Bin Saidi led a 42-strong platoon from the Malay Regiment Bukit Chandu (Opium Hill) area on February 12-14, 1942. Although heavily outnumbered, Adnan refused to surrender and urged his men to fight until the end. They held off the Japanese for two days amid heavy enemy shelling and shortages of food and ammunition. Adnan was shot but carried on fighting. After the battle was lost, the wounded Adnan was taken prisoner by Japanese soldiers, who tied him to a cherry tree and bayoneted him to death. According to some, he was also slashed and his body parts were burnt. Adnan epitomises the bravery and tenacity of the Malay Regiment. Because of this, he is considered a hero by many Malaysians and Singaporeans today.

  2. Kapten Hamid Awang
    Based on intelligence gathered indicating that a force of 40 to 50 communist terrorist would converge on Gunung Pueh, “D” Company of 2 Royal Malay Regiment led by Kapten Hamid was tasked in a search and destroy mission.
    On 7 April 1973, Kapten Hamid and his company detected a Communist Terrorist encampment. Kapten Hamid organised his company for an assault on the camp. Kapten Hamid fired an M79 grenade round to mark the start of the attack and rush into the Communist Terrorist camp. In the heat of battle, a communist terrorist tried to shoot down one of Kapten Hamid’s man. Kapten Hamid immediately rushed to the terrorist and hit the terrorist in the neck with the M79 grenade launcher.
    Kapten Hamid’s company scored 3 kills and captured 3 enemy weapons, as well as ammunition and assorted equipment. Kapten Hamid’s company suffered 1 KIA. Kapten Hamid was awarded the SP on 6 June 1973.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Fullmetal Alchemist

Assalamualaikum and Peace be upon all of you..
Thanks for viewing my blog.

Fullmetal Alchemist logo Pictures, Images and Photos

Fullmetal Alchemist is a Japanese Animation also known as Hagane no Renkinjutsushi (鋼の錬金術師 ,lit. "Alchemist of Steel"). The series is written and illustrated by Hiromu Arakawa. The world of Fullmetal Alchemist is styled after European Industrial Revolution. Set in a fictional universe in which alchemy is one of the most advanced scientific techniques known to man, the story follows the brothers Edward and Alphonse Elric, who want to restore their bodies after a disastrous failed attempt to bring their mother back to life through alchemy.


Edward and Alphonse Elric are two alchemist brothers who search for the legendary Philosopher's Stone, a powerful object which would allow them to recover their bodies (which were lost in an attempt to bring their mother back to life through alchemy). Born in the village of Resembool from the country of Amestris (アメストリス ,Amesutorisu), the two brothers lived there with their parents. Their father, Hohenheim, left home for unknown reasons and years later, their mother, Trisha Elric, died of a terminal illness leaving the Elric brothers alone.

After their mother's death, Edward becomes determined to bring her back through the use of alchemy, an advanced science in which objects can be created from raw materials. They researched Human Transmutation, a forbidden art in which one attempts to create or modify a human being. However, this attempt failed, ultimately resulting in the loss of Edward's left leg and right arm and Alphonse's entire body. In a desperate effort to save his brother, Edward sacrificed his right arm to affix his brother's soul to a suit of armor.

Some days later, an alchemist named Roy Mustang visits the Elric brothers, and he tells Edward to become a member of the State Military of the country to find a way to recover their bodies. After that, Edward's left leg and right arm are fitted with two sets of automail, a type of advanced prosthetic limb, created for him by his close family friends Winry Rockbell and her grandmother Pinako.

Edward Elric later then sets up to become a state Alchemist. By becoming the State Alchemist allowed him to use the extensive resources available to State Alchemists. Determine to restore their bodies, the brothers set up to find the legendary Philosopher's Stone.


Protagonist ;
Edward Elric, Alphonse Elric, Winry Rockbell, Roy Mustang

Antagonist ;
Dante, Zolf J. Kimbley, Homunculi (failed human transmutation)


Written and drawn by Hiromu Arakawa, the Fullmetal Alchemist manga series is serialized in Square Enix's monthly manga magazine Monthly Shōnen Gangan. Serialization began in January 2001 and is still ongoing.


The animation studio Bones adapted the manga into a 51-episode anime series. It was directed by Seiji Mizushima and co-produced by Bones, Mainichi Broadcasting System and Aniplex. Character designs were handled by Yoshiyuki Ito and the script by Sho Aikawa.

A movie sequel, "Fullmetal Alchemist the Movie: Conqueror of Shamballa", was made by the same studio, and premiered in Japanese theaters on July 23, 2005

The series has been highly popular in both Japan and the United States.


Here are some of the pictures for this anime series.

Edward Elric Pictures, Images and Photos
Edward Elric, Fullmetal Alchemist (his metal arm is known as automail)

Alphonse Elric Pictures, Images and Photos
Alphonse Elric, his soul is trapped in the armor

flame alchemist Pictures, Images and Photos
Roy Mustang, The Flame Alchemist

Homunculus Pictures, Images and Photos
A group of Homunculus

All together Pictures, Images and Photos

Ed & Roy Pictures, Images and Photos


The story is both adventure and sad at the same time. Each series bring back a memories, happiness and despair not only to the Elric Brothers, but also to all who search for the Philosopher's Stone. The popular quote for all alchemist in the series is ;

"To gain something, you must give something equal in value"

Well, for those who have learn Chemistry, you should understand how the chemical reaction works. The series also noted the sacrificed that has to be made for the Elric brothers in their mission to search for the Philosopher's Stone...
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