Thursday, January 31, 2013

Officially, i'm at the capital of Johor, the city of Johor Bahru which is also my hometown. We, the Johorean is very proud with our heritage and culture which is in the past wast a part of the Empire of Johor-Riau. Among the famous landscape of Johor is the Istana Besar Johor Bahru, the official palace of the Sultan of Johor. Some part of the palace is open for public as a living museum. Nevertheless the museum is closed in 2012 for renovation. It is expected to finish on 2013. Before I'm returning to Johor, I have made a phonecall to the museum to ask whether or not the museum has been open. And the answer is "no". So, I was beginning to wonder how big is the renovation is. And the picture below answer it all.

It was a total renovation where the blue tiled roof is changed to red. During my research, the red roof is its original colour. And probably they are trying to revert it back to its former glory. And, possibly the renovation will be finished in early 2014. I am really excited by the process. Is this a sign of the State's are preparing for the Sultan 's coronation ceremony? Lets us wait and see. 

P.S :: The coronation ceremony of Sultan Ibrahim as the Sultan of Johor will be held on 5th May 2014.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year 2013

Its been a while since the last time I updated the blog. Due to the time constraint of my work, I need to sacrifice my time with the blog and focused more with my work. The royal blog has always be my passion and I have put my time so much on it and I just can't put it aside. The time went by so fast and we already in the year of 2013. Happy New Year to all. Let us praised the Almighty God as we are still alive.

A lot of things has happened in the past 12 months and usually I will make a revision of what has happened, including an important events attended by our beloved Royalty. Nevertheless, i will just skip this part for 2012. And for 2013, this year probably the most important year to us Malaysian. The 13th General Election is drawing near, for whatever the dates it might be. Monarchy plays an important role after the election, the appointment of the Head of Government. I'm looking forward to that.

Well, I think for the time being, lets us relaxed and see what will be unfold. As for me, watching the Kemena fireworks marked my first ever New Year celebration. Happy New Year 2013 to all my visitors, followers and blogwalkers. Thank you again for all the supports and advices.

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