Saturday, August 18, 2012

Happy Eid-Fitri 2012

Assalamualaikum and Peace be upon all of you.
Welcome to my blog.

I would like to appreciate all of my blog visitors, followers and blogwalkers who always coming here and giving support to me all these years. Currently, I am already returned to my parent house in Johor to celebrate Eid-Fitri, which is just around the corner. This is my first post in the month of August, seriously I can't get myself to update the blog due to other commitment especially my hectic work schedule this previous 2 weeks. Just when I want to go home and take a holiday for Hari Raya, why it must be also the when it getting really busy? Nobody knows.

Hari Raya Eid-Fitri for Muslims is about celebrating the success of performing fasting in the month of Ramadhan. So, if the commoners are virtually going holiday, returning back to home and celebrate Hari Raya with family members, what is the royalty do during this period of time? Commonly, they celebrating it with the people. Reducing the burden of the unfortunate is all about the job of royalty during the month of Ramadhan.

Lets see some of the example of what our royalty do. For example, breaking fast ceremony with the people. The Johor Royalty is among the first to take this opportunity, with the program of 'Kembara Ramadhan Diraja Johor'. It doesn't have to be anything extravagant, as long as the people are concern, anything simple and humble such as buying food in the Ramadhan Bazaar for breaking fast is more than enough.

And, the simple way in the Ramadhan will always change into something festive and entertaining such as the Hari Raya Open House. Well, we will see how our royalty will performed their duties well for the people in the future. In the system of Constitutional Monarchy, the royalty is not about ruling the nation because their role is simply ceremonial. Their main functions is about being a role model and social-services to the people.

Allahu Akbar, Daulat Tuanku and Long Live the King.

pictures from Kesultanan Johor facebook.
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