
Sunday, January 24, 2010

Johor Royal Family

Assalamualaikum and Peace be upon all of you.
Welcome to my blog.

On 22nd January 2010, the 4th Sultan of Modern Johor, Sultan Iskandar al-Haj ibni al-marhum Sultan Ismail died at 77. Following his death, his first son, Tunku Ibrahim Ismail is proclaim as the 5th Sultan of Modern Johor. Thus, mark the new era of Johor Darul Takzim.

The Ruler of Johor is styled as HRH Sultan of Johor. The current Sultan of Johor is HRH Sultan Ibrahim Ismail ibni Al-marhum Sultan Iskandar al-Haj. He is the 25th Sultan of Johor and the 5th Sultan of Modern Johor. His reign started since 23rd January 2010.

The consort to the Sultan of Johor is styled as Sultanah of Johor. The current Sultanah of Johor is HRH Raja Zarith Sofia ibni Almarhum Sultan Idris Shah.


Sultanate of Johor is the descendant of the former Sultanate of Malacca. In its peak, the Sultanate of Johor covers the area of Negeri Sembilan, Pahang, Singapura and Riau Archipelago. The Sultanate of Johor was founded by Sultan Alauddin Riayat Shah II, the son of Sultan Mahmud of Malacca. The Sultanate of Johor has been ruled by 3 dynasties, the descendent of Malacca royalty, the Bendahara and the Temenggung dynasties.

The history of Modern Johor started with the downfall of the Johor-Riau Empire after the death of Sultan Mahmud III. The succession dispute arise between the two Princes of Sultan Mahmud III, Tengku Hussein and Tengku Abdul Rahman. Tengku Hussein was absent during the funeral of Sultan Mahmud III, thus, Tengku Abdul Rahman was proclaimed as the new Sultan. Stamford Raffles, in his attempt to gain a British Settlement in Singapore orchestrated the English-Dutch Treaty resulted the Empire to split into two, the Riau-Lingga Archipelago under Sultan Abdul Rahman and Singapore and the mainland Johor to Sultan Hussein. After the death of Sultan Hussein in 1835, his first son succeeded the throne as Sultan Muhammad Ali.

British who resides in Singapore are in favour of Temenggung Tun Ibrahim as the ruler of Johor. Thus, in 1855, Sultan Ali signed a treaty of handing over the sovereignty to Temenggung Tun Ibrahim as the Ruler of Johor with exception of the Kesang District, which is still under the rule of Sultan Muhammad Ali. In the same year, Temenggung Tun Ibrahim was installed as the ruler of Johor with the title as Maharaja of Johor. He founded Bandar Iskandar Puteri located at Tanjung Puteri (present day Johor Bahru) as the new Capital. The peninsular of Johor prosper under the ruled of Tun Ibrahim, the Maharaja of Johor. Nevertheless, the condition is not the same with Sultan Ali who failed to establish his authority in the Kesang District. With the death of Sultan Ali in 1877, an 11-year old Tengku Mahmood became his successor. And the Kesang District was handed over temporarily to the administration Temenggung Abu Bakar, Maharaja of Johor.

Tengku Alam Shah, an heir of Sultan Ali refused the hand-over of Kesang District by Colonel Archibald Anson to Temenggung Abu Bakar. The event trigger the civil war of Johor known as the Jementah War, as the first attack made by Tengku Alam and his follower was Jementah and winning the battle. A headsman of Jementah sent report to the Government of Johor. Thus, as counter attack, Maharaja Abu Bakar sent his cousin, Ungku Ahmad to led the army. Later, Datuk Muhammad Salleh bin Perang, the Datuk Bentara Luar was also sent to the battlefield to assist the government army which consist of about 400 men. The Government Army conquered the enemy stronghold and achieving total victory at the dawn of 30 December 1879. With the won of the war, a new town known as Bandar Maharani was founded by Maharaja Abu Bakar in the Muar District. In 1885, Maharaja Abu Bakar was proclaimed as Sultan of Johor and officially crowned on 29th July 1886. Thus, Sultan Abu Bakar was known as the Father of Modern Johor.

Johor also is the only state in Malaysia to have its own army, Askar Timbalan Setia Negeri, Johor Military Force (JMF) which currently serves as the private army to the Sultan of Johor. The protocol of the Johor Royalty are differs with the other Malay royal families where the protocol are mostly adapted from the Western Style rather than Malay Protocol. The Military attire is the officials attire of the Sultan and Sultanah of Johor. Among the popular event among the Johoreans is the "Kembara Mahkota Johor", an annual events. In this event, the Sultan and the members of the royal family will tour all around Johor to see his subjects.


Royal Standard of the Sultan of Johor

Royal Standard of the Sultanah of Johor

Royal Standard of the Tunku Mahkota (Crown Prince) of Johor


Sultan Ibrahim Ismail married with Sultanah Zarith Sofia and their marriage is blessed with 5 sons and a daughter.

  1. Tunku Ismail Idris (1984)
  2. Tunku Aminah (1986)
  3. Tunku Idris Iskandar (1987)
  4. Tunku Abdul Jalil Iskandar (1990)
  5. Tunku Abdul Rahman (1993)
  6. Tunku Abu Bakar Iman (2001)


The official palace of the Sultan of Johor is the Istana Besar Johor Bahru (Grand Palace of Johor Bahru). Most state officials functions are held here. The citizens are allowed to visit the Palace everyday as the some part of the palace served as a Museum.

The official residence palace of the Sultan Ibrahim of Johor is Istana Pasir Pelangi. (Bukit Pelangi Palace)

Among of the Sultan's prominent residential palace is the Istana Bukit Serene (Bukit Serene Palace).


Only a male heir descendants of Sultan Abu Bakar of Johor can inherit the throne.

**the line of succession

  1. Tunku Ismail Idris bin Sultan Ibrahim Ismail, Tunku Mahkota Johor
  2. Tunku Idris Iskandar bin Sultan Ibrahim Ismail, Tunku Temenggung Johor
  3. Tunku Abdul Jalil Iskandar bin Sultan Ibrahim Ismail
  4. Tunku Abdul Rahman bin Sultan Ibrahim Ismail
  5. Tunku Abu Bakar Iman bin Sultan Ibrahim Ismail
  6. Tunku Abdul Majid Idris ibni almarhum Sultan Iskandar al-Haj, Tunku Bendahara Johor
  7. Tunku Mahmood Iskandar bin Tunku Abdul Majid
  8. Tunku Abu Bakar ibni alMarhum Tunku Bendahara 'Abdu'l Rahman ibni almarhum Sultan Ismail
  9. Tunku 'Abdu'l Rahman [Alman] Burhan ud-din bin Tunku Abu Bakar
**subject to changes


Some of the pictures of the royal family ;

The picture of The Sultan's mother,

Her Serene Highness Hajah Kalsom (right)
The Enche' Besar of Johor

Some of the pictures of the Sultan and Sultanah,



Some of the pictures of the royal family,

His Royal Highness Tunku Ismail Idris ibni Sultan Ibrahim
The Tunku Mahkota of Johor

Her Highness the Tunku Tun Aminah of Johor
His Highness Tunku Idris Iskandar ibni Sultan Ibrahim
The Tunku Temenggong of Johor

His Highness Tunku Abdul Jalil Iskandar ibni Sultan Ibrahim
The Tunku Laksamana of Johor

His Highness Tunku Abdul Rahman Hassanal Jefri ibni Sultan Ibrahim
The Tunku Panglima of Johor
His Highness Tunku Abu Bakar Iman Ibni Sultan Ibrahim (right)
The Tunku Putera of Johor


  1. sekoyong-koyong kita masuk jua ke dalam blog saudara Sekira-kira molek jugalah akan isi di dalam blog saudara itu. Terima kasih jualah kerana suka akan sejarah keturunan kita itu. Moga Allah cucuri rahmat atas roh almarhum hendaknya. Amin....

  2. Wah, terima kasih atas informasi ini. Saya memang tak berapa maklum dengan sejarah serta deskripi keluarga sultan Johor.

    KAcak-kacak putera-putera kerabat Johor ni... :)

  3. time kasih...
    sbb beri maklumat baru
    saya suke tambah maklumat ttg malaysia sejarah
    terutama johor
    datanglah muzium johor
    antara muzium yang paling menarik saya pernah pergi
    jalan sampai pagar hujung tau...
    nnt nampak zoo johor

  4. i looked up on the royal family's blog because the sultanah of johor, wrote a fine article on tolerance.
    this being the first time i read up on the royal family of johor. i was somewhat disappointed that the grammar is so glaringly wrong. please correct the grammar as this is not someone ordinary. i wonder with amazement, aren't there proof readers for blogs [for VIPS) as there are for books and other publications?

  5. Anyone know Tengku Affan Ramazie and is 27 old years.

  6. betul ke dorg gaduh ngan kerabat n9?dengar citer ada masalah dalaman,betul ker?
    jangan terkeluar kat berita lagi,dah ler...apa2 pun good luck as a ruler of jb goverment...
    apa kata tukar pic tunku abdul jalil,lain macam ckit,yg lain pakai kot,dia sorg jer lain mcm ckit...mcm x elok jer...itu cadangan saja...thanks

  7. good luck for TMJ bcoz always done some visiting campaign around malacca..last time,i got chance to meet his entourage surrounding one of royal family's sons,he had good personalities and very friendly to all of us...good job,Your Highness...we always support you..

    yang benar,
    ahwu,sauh,wo you tampan xde kena mengena
    dan seindahhhhhh

  8. @cheyla_3e

    ok, terima kasih atas cadangan anda. saya telah tukar gambar tersebut. =D

  9. check this out..
    ada mamat nama Zuwairi ni cabar2 sultan Johor pulak. apahal yang mamat ni nak marah sangat?

    kurang adab atau langsung tkda adab?,82612.340.html

  10. @anonymous

    Bro, biarkanlah mamat nama zuwairi tu. Dia kata jgn cerita kehebatan dunia, tapi dari segi cara dia bercakap.. nampak sangat dia jealous dengan kemewahan orang lain.

    Kalau dia dapat RM1,000,000.00, ko rasa dia belanja duit tu ke mana? Dia bagi sedekah kat orang lain ke agak2? Takkan punyer... so.. biarkan jer sudah~~

  11. thanx sebut nama my grandpa there. menangkan daerah muar utk maharaja johor.
