
Sunday, July 4, 2010

The empire's expansion

Assalamualaikum and Peace be upon all of you.
Welcome to my blog.

The segment of Siamese Kedah Pasai Ma is here again. I’m trying very hard and the best I can to sort the history from the first king until the last emperor. Like I say previously, the more I studied it, the more complicated it becomes.

Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa


Prince Merong Maha Wong Ser founded a new Kingdom of Kedah after receive a letter of appointment from his father, Emperor Sheikh Huang Di. Merong Maha Wong Ser established a new city of Kuala Muda near Sungai Mas after landed at Yan to find the Ayut’ia Palace belong to a faithful son of Nabi Nuh, Wali al-Mustapha. Merong Maha Wong Ser is styled as Sultan Mad Zafar Shah I. He married with Sharifah Mariam, daughter to Syed Jamal al-Jefrey of Bani Hashim. Their married is blessed with a son named Syed Jamalul Alam Badrul Munir styled as Phodiset.

Syed Jamalul Alam Badrul Munir played a major role in expanding the kingdom. According to Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa, Syed Jamalul Alam has opened a new land named the State of Siam Lancang located in modern Thailand. In Siamese word, Lan-cang means “Gerak Bijak” or “smart move”, a brilliant approach by Phodiset to spread Islam without any spills of blood. Siam Lancang is an Islamic state and part of the Kingdom of Kedah at that time covers all the peninsular. Later, the land is called as Malaka. Phodiset later inherited the throne and styled as Sultan Mad Zafar Shah II. He resides at Bukit Tirik Palace, (located at Pagoh, Johor. At that time, Johor also included in the territory of The State of Siam Lancang).

P.S : In Siamese word, Ma-la-ka means “Marilah Niaga” or “Let’s do business”.

Before 1800s, the Malaysian Peninsular is known as Tanah Malaka.

Syed Jamalul Alam Badrul Munir has a son named Saiyidina Ali. He becomes the King of Acheh in 222 Hijriah. The tomb of Saiyidina Ali Wal Maulana Jamalul Alam Badrul Munir located at Makam Langgar, Tanjung Inggeris, Kota Setar, Kedah.

"The land of Malacca is called a land of Siam, and the whole of Siam, Champa and thereabouts is called China."
Tom Pires, Suma Oriental.

The Map China (in 1603)


The tombs of Kings

The tomb of Sheik Huang Di @ Li Shih Min @ Rum Chin Ser Wong. His name means Tuan yang Mengawal Negara or Guardian of the nation.

The tomb of Merong Mahawangsa @ Waren Wang Ser. Styled as Sultan Mad Zafar Shah I

The tomb of Syed Jamalul Alam Badrul Munir @ Phodiset. Styled as Sultan Mad Zafar Shah II

The tomb of Sultan Sayyidina Ali of Acheh, Masyhur di bawah angin. According to Marco Polo, the people of Perlak have received Islam since 1292 M.

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