
Thursday, March 26, 2009

Tiger Orchid

Assalamualaikum and Peace be upon all of you..
Thanks for viewing my blog.

A brand new topic has been introduced today! Flora and Fauna. It is a topic about all the magnificent creation that roaming the earth other that humans. Supposedly this topic will focused on special species, endangered and commercialised flora and fauna.

tiger orchid

Yes, it is an orchid. Or commonly known as The Tiger Orchid. Its scientific names is Rossioglossum grande (previously known as Odontoglossum grande). It is native in Mexico and Honduras. As "Tiger Orchid" is a common names, probably it shares the name with other orchids.

The plant may grow four to eight flowers, each may reach up to 13 inches in diameter. The flowers are a glossy bright golden yellow with brown barring. Larger pedals are yellow with the lower half red-brown. The lip is white and sometimes flecked with red-brown. It prefers hot, wet summers and cool, dry winters.

It mainly flowers in the winter.


Some of the pictures of the orchids.

tiger orchid
tiger orchid
tiger orchid
tiger orchid

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